Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Today (27 of January 2009) Steve Jobs Presented a new device called iPad. It is about 10 inches long and is about 7 inches top length. It is half an inch wide. The iPad is called "Magical" The iPad has more than 140 thousand apps available on the apps store. There will be apps that will be made just for the iPad. It has more than a thousand censers. It has a battery that lasts 10 hours long! The software that makes all this possible is a microchip called A4.

I think that this will really change the world, big time. Since the internet is really easy to search on. Also because, The book shelf is really easy to use so we won't need a library any more. Istead of the Library they will replace it with a ipad charge center. This will really change the way we do the things that we do every day. Like we will read a newspaper on the ipad. Sadly there are some down sides to the ipad, Lost of people will lose their jobs. People like news paper men or mail men or maybe even computer companies.

Usually when a new device comes out it starts at a high price and it is very expensive, but this time the people at the apple company thought that they should change that. They thought that the iPad should start at a low price. The ipad starts at $499.00 (US dollars)


Friday, December 4, 2009

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Monday, November 9, 2009

My Quote is by Pablo Picasso-Treat your password like your toothbrush. Don't let anyone use it and get a new one every six months. I like this quote because it relates to your toothbrush. It tells you that even if you have a password someone can use it if you don't keep it safe. I also like this quote because I love the person who wrote it. Italy is a great country... to me.

My computer skills are acceptable, but I still need to remember that I need to save on time. I need to remember that every time I make a new document I need to save it in a area. Also I think it would really help me if I set my computer to save every five minutes. I think that I have come this far, because I was in cybersquad. they helped 5th graders when they needed it on the laptops